The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape

New casino sites to play real money

There is only one way you could earn that kind of money in such a short amount of time. Steal, lie, cheat! For the past few years you and your team have travelled from casino to casino, from vegas to monaco and from atlantic city to singapore. It sounds glamorous but you never visited the spectacular casinos you see in movies. No, the off-strip dodgy casinos were more up your street. You didn’t have a care in the world until in a cheap hotel room downtown you received a disturbing call. Carolyn castle had broken the first rule of the system, never get caught! To make things worse, the trapani family own this particular casino. A well-known and feared mafia family, and they are not amused. Why she was acting alone you don’t know, all you do know is that they are keeping her locked up in a room and that she is in pain. The screaming on the other end of the line made you feel sick and hearing her begging for her life is the worst sound you’ve ever heard.


Expansion pack

There is only one way you could earn that kind of money in such a short amount of time. Steal, lie, cheat! For the past few years you and your team have travelled from casino to casino, from vegas to monaco and from atlantic city to singapore. It sounds glamorous but you never visited the spectacular casinos you see in movies. No, the off-strip dodgy casinos were more up your street.

The system you and your team had was almost flawless, no one ever suspected a thing and you were always long gone before anybody figured out what hit them. The amount you stole was never higher than 500,000 dollars. There were times when you would hit 3 casinos a night, week-in, week-out. Life was filled with adrenaline and good times.

You didn’t have a care in the world until in a cheap hotel room downtown you received a disturbing call. Carolyn castle had broken the first rule of the system, never get caught! To make things worse, the trapani family own this particular casino. A well-known and feared mafia family, and they are not amused. Why she was acting alone you don’t know, all you do know is that they are keeping her locked up in a room and that she is in pain. The screaming on the other end of the line made you feel sick and hearing her begging for her life is the worst sound you’ve ever heard.

You blame yourself for her situation. After all, you were the one who convinced carolyn to join the team and told her how glamorous her life would be. Carolyn is the best card counter you ever saw. No big surprise, given the fact that she comes from a family of brilliant mathematicians. Unfortunately, the castle family is not only good at solving problems, they also run into them a lot! Now her life depends on you getting hold of enough cash within an hour. The team is ready to hit the royal diamond casino, you’ll have to skip protocol and go big right away, making the chance of getting caught bigger than usual. The team already understand that carolyn’s life is on the line and that the stakes are higher than ever. The finger delivered to your hotel door with carolyn’s ring still on it was an unnecessary reminder that her life is in your hands.

  • Escape room the game is powered by identity games

  • © 2020 identity games international B.V.

  • All rights reserved

Identity games is an international award-winning game creator,
producer and publisher since 1992.

The game casino escape

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Can you escape the casino?

60 minutes. 5 immersive rooms. 1 ticking bomb.
In a puzzling mix of virtual and physical worlds, can you escape the casino?

Put aside what you think you know about standard table-top games and mobile apps. Escape the casino innovatively fuses these two gaming worlds together, creating an immersive 21st century game that brings people together.

Teamwork, lateral thinking and observation skills are key in this digitally interactive experience. You have 60 minutes to traverse the board, studying the intriguing props and collecting codes. You’ll then use these codes found amongst the physical props within the app to unlock the virtual rooms and hopefully escape the casino before the times runs out!

Escape the casino brings all the exciting drama of a real escape room into your front room. With a thrilling variety of games and puzzles you and your friends will need to work together to solve them all as quickly as possible….The time is ticking!

After your game box has arrived you will find your username and password on the inside of the box lid. You need to download “escape the casino” from the app store or google play and then enter your details in. Please do this before your guests arrive. Once you have successfully entered your details its time to start setting up the board and all the props.

The game is live, therefore you will need a good internet connection and a tablet to play the app on.

Make sure your tablet is fully charged and the volume is turned up. If you manage to escape the casino in time make sure to come back and see if your team made it onto our top 10 leader board. Good luck!



At an introductory price of just £21.99 + P&P you can have all the fun of an escape room in your front room.


The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

What is an escape room?

Escape rooms are an exciting new form of live gaming which is spreading across the world.

The basic concept is a group of friends or family get locked in a room and have 60 minutes to solve puzzles both physical and mental in order to escape.

Teams have to channel their inner sherlock keeping their eyes peeled and keep their cool as they fully immerse themselves into the storyline. The escape room’s boom in popularity is easy to understand as they are a fantastic, thrilling experience that you can share with your team.





The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

TEAM NAME : shanlock holmes

TEAM NAME : completely clueless

TEAM NAME : quiz on my face

TEAM NAME : the cheeky cheesecakes



A thrilling game, perfect evenings entertainment.

We managed to link our ipad to our smart TV which added to the drama. Loved the virtual rooms.

- stephanie mitchell, 31, marketing

Fantastic family gift idea for christmas!

Top family game, even managed to convince my 14yr old to join us and he thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

- katherine deany, 44, mum of 2

Don’t want to give too much away but just try it.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The idea of an escape the room doesn’t particularly appeal to me but this made an evening with friends something to remember. Don’t want to give too much away but just try it. It would make a really unusual but memorable christmas present, and I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t enjoy it.


The biggest difference between a traditional escape the room and this is that you don’t have a guide prompting you if you get stuck

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Where to begin?! We are a team of 6 serious escape the roomers, we’ve been to loads, so have high expectations and loads to compare to. Problem is, we can’t actually compare it to any of the others we’ve been to, because this was completely different.

I hosted the evening, and enjoyed setting up before my ‘guests’ arrived. The whole set up took me less than half an hour, and it was easy, quick and straightforward, (although not necessary, definitely recommend connecting the smart tv.) my lounge (or casino!) looked amazing and I wish I took pictures when everyone walked in!

The biggest difference between a traditional escape the room and this is that you don’t have a guide prompting you if you get stuck. But the game overcomes this with the app; the app negotiates you through the game so it’s so easy to follow, and there always clues throughout; the physical props are really well thought out and made too. This is not a cheap game, but the game is not cheap, and it’s still considerably cheaper than any escape the room experience we’ve been to.

It’s challenging and gave us all the suspense, grit and mystery we expected, and then even surprised us with a few interesting twists too. Favorite element was the app. It is genius and gave our wall flower a chance to take charge of the tablet and play a quiet but important role.


1500m 2 d'escape game en plein coeur de paris répartis sur deux locaux !

Venez tester un jeu d'évasion grandeur nature en équipe de 3 à 5 personnes.

Dans des décors saisissants, réalisés par des professionnels de parcs d'attraction et des magiciens,
vous aurez une heure pour résoudre des énigmes, découvrir des passages secrets et réaliser votre mission.

Venez vous divertir avec un nouveau concept qui mêle réflexion, coopération, et une bonne dose d'adrénaline !
Accessible à tous, vous pouvez profiter de cette expérience captivante, entre amis, en famille, entre collègues.

Encore hésitant ? Voici un aperçu de ce qui vous attend !

Le plus grand bandit de la ville cherche une équipe de choc pour un braquage. Une heure pour cambrioler une banque et s'en échapper.

Max, malfrat légendaire est de nouveau sur un braquage . Un challenge risqué et ambitieux pour une équipe hors norme.
Vous prendrez vous au jeu ?

Paris, 1959, une jeune danseuse a été enlevée. Les malfaiteurs exigent une rançon et ce, dans les plus brefs délais.

Saurez-vous la tirer des griffes de ses agresseurs ?

Un métro vient de tomber en panne en plein milieu de la station. Le trafic est dense et on craint une collision à tout moment !
Votre équipe doit donc agir : redémarrer le métro au plus vite et éviter l’impact !

À la recherche d'un précieux testament, vous voilà enfermés dans les catacombes et le temps joue contre vous.
Une chose est sûre, vous ne voudriez pas y faire de vieux os.

Il y a des siècles, l'ordre des templiers mettait la main sur un trésor très convoité.
Pour retrouver ce trésor, tout sera permis pour votre équipe d’assassins…y compris explorer le passé !

Votre avion est à l’heure et le départ est imminent. Êtes-vous prêt à embarquer ?
N’ayez crainte, l’avion reste le moyen de transport le plus sûr au monde.

Un astéroïde fonce droit sur la terre. Une seule solution, sacrifier une station spatiale pour la placer sur la trajectoire de l’astéroïde.

Lancement prévu dans
4, 3, 2 ,1…

Un tremblement de terre vient de surprendre la capitale. Vous devez sécuriser le périmètre au plus vite car le pire reste à venir.

Il vous faudra une motivation sans faille

Une nouvelle mission toute belle. Encore un peu plus de patience :-)


The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

L'escape game the game vous accueille en plein coeur de paris tous les jours de 10h00 à minuit, 7j/7.
Les réservations s’effectuent exclusivement en ligne via notre plateforme de réservation.
Les disponibilités sont quant à elles mises à jour en temps réel.

En été, en hiver, entre amis, en famille, entre filles, collègues, touristes… les missions the game vous plongent au cœur de scénarii dont vous êtes les héros.
Les escape rooms the game conviennent parfaitement pour les occasions spéciales :
anniversaires, enterrements de vie de jeune fille (ou garçon) et autre événement à célébrer.

Parallèlement, nous accueillons régulièrement des entreprises pour des séances de team building,
une pause dans un séminaire ou une simple soirée informelle. Il est également possible de privatiser les locaux afin d’y organiser un petit déjeuner, un cocktail.
Pour en savoir davantage à propos des événements professionnels, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.


Pack d' extension

Il n’y a qu’une seule manière de gagner autant d’argent en si peu de temps. Voler, mentir, tricher ! Depuis quelques années, vous et votre équipe avez voyagé de casino en casino, de vegas à monaco et d’atlantic city à singapour. Cela semble glamour mais en réalité vous n’avez jamais visité les spectaculaires casinos qu’on voit dans les films. Non, les casinos douteux de banlieue étaient plus votre domaine.

Le système que vous aviez mis en place avec votre équipe était presque sans faille, personne n’a jamais suspecté quoi que ce soit et vous étiez déjà loin avant que quiconque ne remarque ce qui c’était passé. La somme d’argent que vous voliez ne dépassait jamais 500 000 dollars. Parfois vous voliez plusieurs casinos par nuit. La vie était remplie d’adrénaline et de bons moments.

Vous étiez insouciant jusqu’à ce que, dans cet hôtel bas de gamme du centre ville. Un appel inquiétant vous bouleverse. Carolyn castle avait brisé la première règle du système, ne jamais se faire prendre ! Pire encore, la famille trapani était propriétaire de ce casino particulier. Une famille mafieuse bien connue. Pourquoi avait-elle agi seule? Vous l’ignorez. Tout ce que vous savez c’est qu’ils la gardent enfermée dans une pièce et qu’elle souffre. Le hurlement entendu à l’autre bout de la ligne vous rend malade et l’entendre supplier de la laisser en vie est la pire chose que vous n’ayez jamais entendu.

Vous vous en voulez. Après tout, vous êtes celui qui a convaincu carolyn de rejoindre l’équipe et qui lui avez dit combien sa vie serait trépidante. Carolyn est la meilleure compteuse de carte que vous n’ayez jamais vue. Ce n’est pas une surprise quand on sait qu’elle vient d’une famille de mathématiciens célèbres. Malheureusement la famille castle n’est pas seulement bonne pour résoudre les problèmes, elle a tendance à en avoir beaucoup aussi ! Maintenant sa vie dépend de vous et de votre capacité à ramener assez de cash en une heure. L’équipe est prête à s’attaquer au casino royal diamond. Vous devrez ignorer le protocole et aller droit au but, la chance d’être attrapé sera plus grande que d’habitude. L’équipe a bien compris que la vie de carolyn ne tient plus qu’à un fil et que l’enjeu est plus important que jamais. Le doigt livré devant la porte de l’hôtel avec la bague de carolyn toujours dessus est une manière de vous rappeler que sa vie est entre vos mains.

Casino heist escape room

You got the keys to a secret storage room in an abandoned casino with millions of dollars, but so did your competitors. Can you get the money before the other gang gets to it? Oh, and the casino is being demolished in an hour, GOOD LUCK!


Escape room schedule

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Other games at the west LA location


The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Reviews of вђњwest laвђќ location

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

First escape room experience and it was so fun. We did the senator payne one and there were so many twists. I would recommend this to my other friends and try out their other rooms as well. Rose was a great game master. Also, don't forget to try the lithuanian ice cream. Definitely the cherry.

First escape room experience and it was so fun. We did the senator payne one and there were so many twists. I would recommend this to my other friends and try out their other rooms as well. Rose was a great game master. Also, don't forget to try the lithuanian ice cream. Definitely the cherry on top for tonight.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Best escape room HANDS DOWN!! The puzzles were very creative--you won't find locks and combinations here! The game masters really know what they're doing, and it shows because they have a total of 16 rooms! Because my experience here was so amazing, I'm definitely going to try the rest of their.

Best escape room HANDS DOWN!! The puzzles were very creative--you won't find locks and combinations here! The game masters really know what they're doing, and it shows because they have a total of 16 rooms! Because my experience here was so amazing, I'm definitely going to try the rest of their rooms! Rose was an amazing host and game master, and she was very kind and helpful. PS their ice cream is delicious!

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

My employees and I had a wonderful time at the casino escape room for our office holiday party. Taylor was our game master. He did a wonderful job!! This was a great team building experience and we will definitely be back to do the other room.

Casino heist escape room overview

The local casino has gone out of business and is going to be demolished. Rumorвђ™s gone out that there are millions of dollars in cash stored inside one of its rooms, and there are a few groups of people making it their mission to get to that money. Only 2 groups will have been given a key to the rumored room, and they must race to get to its door.

You and your friends are one of those groups, and with key in hand you begin your journey to millions. You canвђ™t have 60 minutes before the casino gets demolished with you and the cash still inside. Youвђ™re in a race to riches, and your only hope in making it out alive вђ” and a millionaire вђ” is to use the clues youвђ™re given to solve your way through that casino.

The race is on, and youвђ™re already making plans to spend those millions. Can your group beat the other to the cash before the casino goes down? Itвђ™s definitely worth a shot. Book the casino heist escape room today and take that bet.

Tale’s casino escape free download

Overview of tale’s casino escape game download:-

Tale’s casino escape free download is an awesome game to download.This game is also available for android/IOS. We will provide you a direct link for windows .There will be a download button at the bottom of the page.Ocean of games will provide u a direct link to download this game for free.You can download all the games which are available on igg-games . You can also download the APK of this game.

This is an awesome game to play.If you are looking for crack or repack you are on the best site to download this game for free.This game is all free for you,and full free for any kind of viruses.Go and steamunlocked this game and download on your PC and enjoy to play.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Once upon a time there was a girl who worked in a casino. She worked so hard, that she couldn’t even leave the casino. In fact she was a prisoner.

So, one day, a great idea comes to her mind. She decides to ESCAPE.

Then, on a dark and cold night, she gets out of bed, and in light steps she begins to execute her master plan, ESCAPE FROM THE CASINO.

How to install tale’s casino escape:-

If you don’t know how to download and install this game or you are facing any difficulties during the installation don’t worry we will tell you how to download and install this game.The tutorial for all games are same .First click on bellow button to see how to download and install this game for free.If you still face any problem contact OCEAN OF GAMES we will solve your problem.

Tale’s casino escape full unlocked

After watching how to download and install this game for free.Click below on the download button to download this game for free.Before download this game MAKE SURE TO DEACTIVATE AD BLOCKER . Once you block ad blocker click below on the download button to download this game for free.

System requirements for tale’s casino escape:-

Below are the system requirements for this game read these requirements carefully before download this game.

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

  • OS: win7, 8.1, or 10 (64-bit versions)

  • Processor: AMD FX-8350/ryzen 5 1400 or intel core i5-3570/i7-3770

  • Memory: 8 GB RAM

  • Graphics: nvidia GTX 770 4GB (current available GPU GTX1650) or AMD equivalent

  • Storage: 40 GB available space


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

  • OS: win7, 8.1, or 10 64-bit

  • Processor: AMD FX-9370/ryzen 5 1600X or intel core i7-4770

  • Memory: 16 GB RAM

  • Graphics: nvidia GTX 1060 6GB (current available GPU RTX2060) or AMD equivalent

  • Storage: 40 GB available space

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Tale's casino escape

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

No score yet - based on 0 critic reviews awaiting 4 more reviews what's this?

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 ratings

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 ratings

  • Summary: tale's casino escape is an ABS (action battle system) adventure RPG. All the qualities of a good RPG have been combined and applied at tale's casino escape.

Critic reviews

User reviews

I've been waiting for this release for years! Exceeded all expectations!

An action RPG featuring new creative and challenging gameplay I've been waiting for this release for years! Exceeded all expectations!

An action RPG featuring new creative and challenging gameplay mechanics.
Innovative pet system, blending your skills with those of your companions.

You can buy mercilessly, worth every penny!

I played the game until the end. I can say it's a fantastic game. Full of challenges and a lot of headache (if you want to do 100%) xd

I I played the game until the end. I can say it's a fantastic game. Full of challenges and a lot of headache (if you want to do 100%) xd

I really liked the battle system and the pets. The game has humor, and a very cool story!

At first you think the story is rubbish, but during the game and during the discoveries, you will find that the story is chilling.

Amazin game. I just bought the game, and I'm already addicted!

===[ who's playin' ]===
☐ kidos
☐ everyone ☑ casual players ☑ veteran players ===[ graphics ]=== ☐ kindergarten coloring book ☐ ===[ who's playin' ]===
☐ kidos
☐ everyone
☑ casual players
☑ veteran players

===[ graphics ]===
☐ kindergarten coloring book
☐ really bad
☐ bad
☑ OK
☐ good
☐ beautiful
☐ masterpiece

===[ $ price/quality: ]===
☑ full price
☐ wait for sale
☐ refund it if you can
☐ nah miss this one fam

===[ PC build ]===
☐ raspberry pi PC
☑ minimum
☐ medium
☐ fast
☐ high
☐ NASA computer

===[ difficulty ]===
☐ you can beat this with a guitar hero controller
☐ ez GG
☑ eh it depends on the difficulty
☐ hard
☐ dark souls

===[ game time/length ]===
☐ really short ( 0 - 2 hours)
☐ short ( 2 - 8 hours)
☐ few hours ( 8 - 12 hours) -
☑ long ( 12+ hours)
☐ endless

===[ story ] ===
☐ . Huh?
☐ meh
☐ its alright
☑ very good
☐ fantastic

===[ bugs ]=== ☐ game itself is one big BUG ☐ bugs destroying the game ☐ lot of bugs ☑ few bugs ☐ you can use them for speedrun ☐ nothing (there are a few but not many no game breaking bugs) p.S: excelente gameplay. Inovador no sistema de pets e desenvolvimento das habilidades do personagem. Ótimas interações das habilidades com o cenário para desbloquear caminhos e itens escondidos. … expand

God have mercy on the RPG maker. Normally I would avoid writing a review, especially if negative, but the current state of RPG maker god have mercy on the RPG maker. Normally I would avoid writing a review, especially if negative, but the current state of RPG maker communities force me to continue.

1) I would not consider this project a game. It is a set of systems assembled without a single line of customization. The entire user interface comes ready in the respective code demos, so the "game" does not have a visual identity.
2) do I really need to comment on the setting? My dear reader, if you visit ANY RPG maker forum, you will realize that the engine is not to blame for this catastrophe presented here. Please consider that engine fame is created by projects like this, however it is possible to create good games in the tool if you are very careful.
3) I have reason to suspect that the reviews posted here are fake, created by the author. They are identical to those posted on steam. It is either messages from friends showing support or fake accounts.

Anyway, I will give 1. It is worth having the courage to publish the project COMMERCIALLY as it stands, because the name used by this individual will be eternally linked to the quality presented here. … expand

Casino heist escape room

You got the keys to a secret storage room in an abandoned casino with millions of dollars, but so did your competitors. Can you get the money before the other gang gets to it? Oh, and the casino is being demolished in an hour, GOOD LUCK!


Escape room schedule

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Other games at the west LA location


The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Reviews of вђњwest laвђќ location

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

First escape room experience and it was so fun. We did the senator payne one and there were so many twists. I would recommend this to my other friends and try out their other rooms as well. Rose was a great game master. Also, don't forget to try the lithuanian ice cream. Definitely the cherry.

First escape room experience and it was so fun. We did the senator payne one and there were so many twists. I would recommend this to my other friends and try out their other rooms as well. Rose was a great game master. Also, don't forget to try the lithuanian ice cream. Definitely the cherry on top for tonight.

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

Best escape room HANDS DOWN!! The puzzles were very creative--you won't find locks and combinations here! The game masters really know what they're doing, and it shows because they have a total of 16 rooms! Because my experience here was so amazing, I'm definitely going to try the rest of their.

Best escape room HANDS DOWN!! The puzzles were very creative--you won't find locks and combinations here! The game masters really know what they're doing, and it shows because they have a total of 16 rooms! Because my experience here was so amazing, I'm definitely going to try the rest of their rooms! Rose was an amazing host and game master, and she was very kind and helpful. PS their ice cream is delicious!

The game casino escape, the game casino escape.

My employees and I had a wonderful time at the casino escape room for our office holiday party. Taylor was our game master. He did a wonderful job!! This was a great team building experience and we will definitely be back to do the other room.

Casino heist escape room overview

The local casino has gone out of business and is going to be demolished. Rumorвђ™s gone out that there are millions of dollars in cash stored inside one of its rooms, and there are a few groups of people making it their mission to get to that money. Only 2 groups will have been given a key to the rumored room, and they must race to get to its door.

You and your friends are one of those groups, and with key in hand you begin your journey to millions. You canвђ™t have 60 minutes before the casino gets demolished with you and the cash still inside. Youвђ™re in a race to riches, and your only hope in making it out alive вђ” and a millionaire вђ” is to use the clues youвђ™re given to solve your way through that casino.

The race is on, and youвђ™re already making plans to spend those millions. Can your group beat the other to the cash before the casino goes down? Itвђ™s definitely worth a shot. Book the casino heist escape room today and take that bet.

Top 2 casino escape room tips for your family

Interested in the top two tips you'll need to solve the casino escape room?

Picture this: you enter an abandoned casino, cleared of people, but you know thereвђ™s a safe full of money somewhere inside. However, youвђ™re not the only one looking for this payload!

In this escape room game, you and your family must work together to solve puzzles, find the money, and get out of the casino before your competitors catch up with you. To up the suspense, the casino is going to be demolished in an hour вђ“ so youвђ™d better hurry!

In this article, we'll share the top 2 casino escape room tips to help you and your family get the payload before the building is demolished.

What puzzles are usually in a casino escape room?

What exactly is in store for you and your family inside a casino escape room? Here are two types of puzzles that you may discover and need to solve:

Word puzzles

Many casino escape room clues can be found in the letters and words you find around the room. This can include papers and journals stashed in desks, or even scrambled letters on the wallpaper.

Sometimes combination locks to safes require letters as well as numbers, and stray letters left around the room might just give you the combination you need!

Math puzzles

You donвђ™t need to be a math whiz to beat a casino escape room, but basic math puzzles are often part of the adventure.

Keep your eyes open for common math signs or symbols left around the room, such as plus signs or minus signs. Choose someone in your family who likes playing around with numbers to focus on these puzzles.

What top 2 casino escape room tips do you need?

Now that you know the puzzles to expect in the casino escape room, read are our top 2 tips to help you and your family create the best strategy to win the game!

1. Spread out

While itвђ™s important to work together in any escape room games, working together does not mean standing clumped around the same clue.

The clues to solving any single casino escape room puzzle are likely spread throughout the room, to make it more of a challenge.

There are also a lot of puzzles to solve, and only so much time. If you spread out, you increase your chances of success.

2. Talk out loud

Be sure not to keep everything you see, do, and think inside your own head.

Make a point of commenting out loud about anything you notice, even if you arenвђ™t sure yet whether itвђ™s a clue.

If you are looking at a combination lock that needs four letters, and you hear someone say across the room, вђњthere are four letters repeated on this picture frame.Вђќ then you can put those clues together.

Why 60OUT?

Use these tips to solve the casino heist escape room at 60OUT, which has puzzles that are perfect for family bonding time. All of their 23 immersive, themed escape rooms are privately booked, so you donвђ™t have to play with people you donвђ™t know! 60outвђ™s escape rooms include a wide variety of themes and difficulties, so youвђ™re sure to find one that your family will love.

Check out 60outвђ™s casino heist escape room, and book your puzzle-solving adventure today!

So, let's see, what we have: feel the thrill and enjoy the mystery from a escape game in your own home! In this boardgame the object is to find the codes to “escape” within 60 minutes by solving puzzles in riddles. At the game casino escape

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